RGS@home webinar!

RGS News   •   15 September. 2021

The RGS@home project is presented at the Barcelona Cognition Brain and Technology summer school.

RGS@home webinar took place today at the BCBT2021 summer school in collaboration with Medtronic, Eodyne Systems and IBEC

The webinar program included the following talks:
10:00 The RGS @ Home project: a rehabilitation solution for home use by Irina Gomez and Cristina Melero
10:20  RGS is a clinically validated technology: presentation of medical data that supports it and adaptation of the technology for use @Home by Belén  Rubio Ballester
10:45 RGS @ Home practical demonstration: characteristics of the team, how it works, how to play it by Santiago Brandi.
11:15 Testimonials from medical professionals and patients who have already tried RGS @ Home Irina Gomez and Cristina Melero
11:30 Q&A session